June 09, 2007

Sleep Success and A New Career Opportunity (Hopefully Not)

It's exciting times here in the Cook household!

For three nights straight Jonah has managed to sleep through the whole night by himself. For those of you who know us and our situation, you will know that is a HUGE thing for us because up until now Jonah had been wakng up during the night around midnight to 2AM looking for me, and I would usually go in and snuggle with him for the remainder of the night. I just figured that if it makes him happy, and he's sleeping peacefully the rest of the night and so am I, then everyone's happy. We'd tried just letting him cry and other approaches, but I think patience has finally proven successful. And he's waking up happy, which is also a plus! I love to see hs bright, beautiful smile first thing in the morning! Of course, I'd better find some wood to knock on now that I've said anything about it, otherwise I might jinx our good fortune! :)

On a much funnier note, Jonah really surprised me and Josh today. We'd gone to Tysons mall in order for both Josh and Jonah to get haircuts, get some sandals for Jonah from Stride Rite, take Jonah to the play area that's there, and then get some lunch. While headng through the mall on our way back to the parking garage, we passed a clothing store that had some hip-hop music emanating out into the mall. Jonah wrangled his way out of Josh's arms and headed for the store. Josh and I thought he was going to go in, but he simply stopped right out front and proceeded to dance for the next several minutes! It was one of the funniest things Josh and I had ever seen! And to make it even funnier (and I have no idea where he picked up on this because neither Josh nor I do this when we dance or attempt to do so), at one point in his dancing, Jonah crossed his arms over his chest, rapper-style! It was hilarious! I so wish I'd had the camera with us so I could have taken some video footage of this, but I suppose blogging about it for posterity will have to do!


Blogger Gary said...

May you have many more weeks of uninterrupted sleep! Isaac had us up most of the night last night- I think it's just his learning-to-walk restlessness (?)


11:08 PM  

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