May 04, 2005

Getting Used to Parenthood

I finally have a few minutes to update this blog! I am finally getting used to the idea that I don't have to be with the little one ALL the time, and I currently have him napping in his crib with the baby monitor on. This is a major step for me after nine days of being a new mom!

Jonah Merritt Cook came into this world at 11:28 PM on April 25, 2005, via C-section, which occurred only after I'd been in labor from 3 AM until 10:30 PM, when the doctor finallly said that C-section was going to be the best option because the baby was correctly head-down but facing up instead of down, meaning that he was going to have a hard time maneuvering through my pelvis. I wanted to scream, "Why couldn't you have told me this ten hours ago!" but refrained because the only thing that mattered was getting the baby out safely. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, and measured 21 1/4 inches long. Josh and I are very proud of our new son, and look forward to showing him off!

Here are some thing that I've already learned as a new parent:

1) Never leave the house without bringing more than one diaper even on short trips, because even if you change him once while out, you can never account for those surprise explosive poops.
2) Never leave the house without bringing more than one change of clothes for the same reason cited above.
3) Never underestimate the power of those surprise explosive poops and urinations, especially when dealing with a baby boy.
4) Once you become a new parent, your conversations with almost anyone will invariably turn to discussions of poop and/or pee.
5) A good husband who takes care of you in the hospital is an invaluable asset! :)


Blogger KYP said...

Cathy, I love the pictures, and I am thrilled to see you blogging again! (I check daily!) Congratulations, again--I look forward to seeing all THREE Cooks in the near future. Oh, too, could you email me that picture you took of me when I was holding little Jonah? I'd like to post it along with one of me with Jay and then me with my little niece on my blog, if that's OK. Love!

1:27 AM  
Blogger Lenise said...

All true. Thankfully, as little ones get bigger, their poop is a little less runny and doesn't seem to leak nearly as often as those first few months. Jay's last diaper bag outfit stayed there for months, and finally came out because he got wet in the nursery. It's also a good idea to have a change of mama clothes. Thankfully, I haven't needed it except when I was home 'cuz I never did put even an extra tee shirt in there. It was definitely time for a larger baby outfit, though!

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful. And yes, poop and pee do seem to be fascinating topics of conversation for a while, because you see so much of them. And who knew that poop could be so explosive?

8:28 PM  

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