July 18, 2005

"Tag" Response

My dear friend Christina has asked me to answer a few questions pertaining to my book collection. My answers will, of necessity, be rather abbreviated, but I would be happy to answer any questions that anyone might have regarding these answers.

How many books do I own?
Josh and I own too many to really count. My best guess is somewhere around a thousand, and it just keeps on growing!

What's the last book I bought?
The last book I bought was "I Hope You Dance", which is a book based on the song of the same name and includes a CD of the song. I purchased this for Jonah, and I occasionally play the CD for him because I'm hoping this will be our "mother/son" song!

The last book that was purchased for me was the new Harry Potter book. Josh picked it up for me at Costco yesterday as a surprise.

What's the last book I read?
I read "Baby Einstein: With Baby, A Parent's Activity Guide" today in about a half hour. This had some intersting ideas in it, though I don't know how many of the suggested activities I'll actually get around to doing.

Prior to that, I had completed rereading the entire Little House series, and I am now in the process of rereading Diana Gabaldon's "Voyager" and C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, and I also began reading the new Harry Potter this afternoon.

What are the five books that mean the most to me?
Like Christina and Paul before me, I place the Bible in its own special category.

Diana Gabaldon's continuing "Outlander" series
Robert Jordan's continuing "Wheel of Time" series
J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy
Bryce Courtenay's "The Power of One"
Alison Weir's "The Six Wives of Henry VIII"

These are the ones that come readily to mind, though there are several others that mean a lot to me.

What is the rarest, oldest, or just plain oddest book in your collection?
I'm afraid we don't really have anything truly old, truly rare, or truly odd that I can think of. I guess we're just boring that way!


Blogger KYP said...

I need to read some of your favorite books! (This is a good side benefit of hearing about others' collections--I get introduced to authors with whom I am not familiar.) Love!

10:45 AM  
Blogger Lenise said...

HOW many books made your "five books which mean the most to me" list? ;)

I did read one of the Gabaldon books: Drums of Autumn maybe? It was really interesting, and seemed to be well-researched. There were some odd moral quandaries in it, too...

10:52 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Well, there are probably about twice as many books that mean a lot to me. It's hard to say - I've read a number of really good books! :)

I highly recommend reading the entire Outlander series by Gabaldon - she really has done a lot of research, and I think she is a phenomenal writer. I actually got to see her at a reading and book signing here in the DC area when her last book came out. I'm hoping she'll make another appearance here when the next installment comes out.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Also, in case anyone failed to notice, I REALLY like books that are in a series! :)

11:44 AM  

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