September 15, 2006

Back to Life

OK, so after finally recovering from my little bout of viral meningitis, I think I'm finally getting my life back in order. It's taken a few weeks, but I'm feeling pretty much back to normal. The only thing I have to complain about is the fact that I need to gain some weight back since I lost a bit during the fever and days of not eating. I know, it's a real hardship, isn't it, having the opposite problem of so many out there? Just my luck. :)

Jonah is doing well. I'm way behind on taking some good pictures of him. There just hasn't been time, and he also makes it difficult to take pictures because he always wants to grab the camera. His latest thing is wanting to go down the stairs like a big boy. He knows how to climb down on all fours, but he prefers to hold our hands and take big boy steps down. It's really cute. I also think it's really adorable when he decides that he's not too scared to walk by himself outside with me following behind. He'll walk a few feet, stop to examine something (sometimes proceeding to pick it up, which, if it's just an acorn or a rock, is fine so long as he doesn't put it in his mouth). Then he'll go a little further, stop, etc. Walks aren't as long distance-wise as they would ordinarily be, but he has a good time. And he just loves to see dogs! He'll squeal and walk right up to just about any dog he sees. We just have to make sure that the owner is okay with it and that the dog is friendly, which, for the most part, has been the case.

Well, I should get back to the little offspring. I think it'll be naptime soon, and then I'll do some packing for the move, which we think will happen sometime in October. I figure if I can do just a little each day, it'll all get done smoothly. Let's see if my theory pans out.


Blogger Lenise said...

Good luck getting it all done. I wish I could come over for an afternoon and help you out!

I'm sure your mom is doing her best to help you fill out a little. It is beyond me how anyone who has your mom cooking for her, even only occasionally, could be so skinny!! I think we each gained several pounds after your baby shower ;)

1:31 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

You're right, Len. My mom has been doing a lot of cooking for me. It's been so nice having her around during this time. She even helps out with the cleaning, for which I am especially grateful because I hate cleaning! :)

1:34 PM  

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