September 22, 2006

The Latest Jonah Doings

Here are some of the latest things that Jonah as been up to:

He can drop his various-shaped blocks into the correct holes of the lid of the blocks' box.

He can make associations of items. For example, he saw a panda in a book, then pointed to the TV where he's seen pandas on his Baby Noah video. Also, he pointed out a baby in a stroller in another book, then pointed downstairs where his stroller is.

I actually think he's going to be a bit of a brain, but maybe I'm just biased. He likes to point to words in his books and have us spell out the word.

And he's beginning to identify some letters of the alphabet, which I think is pretty remarkable for a 17-month-old. He know J, O, and X most definitely, and I think he understands B and D as well. We have a floor mat with big letters on it that you can take apart and move around, and when I ask Joanh where those letters are, he'll point to them. It's awesome!

And I'm convinced he said "cat" the other day, though he hasn't repeated it since.


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