October 07, 2006


....marks the second anniversary of this blog. My, how time flies!

BTW, I think we have finally decided on a moving date. October 28 is the magic day (at least for now). The townhouse is coming into shape, the painting is almost done (except for the mural in Jonah's room, which hasn't been started yet - CEP has agreed to design and paint it for us, and we were rather late in asking her to do it). We picked out a moving company, we're getting the house professionallly cleaned before we move in (I don't feel like doing all that nasty grungy work myself - yuck! It's just too dusty and cruddy), and, oh yeah, the most inportant thing - we sold the condo!!!! As of last Sunday, we have a ratified contract, the buyers did their home inspection on Thursday (very few things we'll have to take care of), and we go to settlement on November 7. Yay! Thanks to all who were praying for us! There's actually quite a saga to the whole deal, but I'll save that for a time when I have more time.


Blogger Lenise said...

Congrats!! I hope we'll make it up to see the new place soon, though I know you've got a lot of work ahead. With your place sold, I'm sure you can afford to let somebody else clean the new place! Sounds like a wise move.

8:08 AM  
Blogger KYP said...

Congratulations on your blog-anniversary! I forgot about mine...just a few weeks ago...Paxifist inspired us to both launch into the blogosphere around the same time! I do hope L. comes through with the zoo pictures soon--I want to reminisce! Love! [And see you tomorrow evening, Lord willing!]

10:24 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Len, if you're planning to go up north for the holidays, you should plan to stop for a night or two with us along the way!

CEP, I know! I've gotto get Lyunne to send the pictures. She's always so busy, though. See you tomorrow!

3:52 PM  

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