September 19, 2007

Jedi Master vs. Rav4 Roadster

Jonah really likes this book we checked out from the library called Apples and Pumpkins. It's a cute little story about a girl who tells how she and her parents go to pick apples and pumpkins in the fall. The story ends with the girl going trick-or-treating "up and down the street." Jonah kept repeating "up and down the street" yesterday, and so this is the conversation we had:

Mom-Mom: You want to go trick-or-treating up and down the street?
Jonah: Yes!
M: Well, you will next month on Halloween. We have a costume for you already. You're going to be Yoda this year!
J: Yoda! Toyota! (pronounced "Toyoda")

He's seen and recognizes the word Toyota on the back of our Rav4, and I guess "Yoda" and "Toyota" can sound pretty similar to a two-year-old. I thought it was pretty funny and cute!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our son, Obi-wan Iacocca (or is it Darth Honda?) ... I can just picture him saying "Change my oil, Darth Car, and I shall grow stronger than you could ever imagine" ...

12:22 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

*Groan* And this is how he breaks the protracted commentlessness! (Is too a word, stupid spell-checker!)


8:58 PM  

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