September 05, 2008

McCain the Uniter!

My cats don't usually get along. Most of the time they coexist by keeping their space and staying in different parts of the house. About the only time I'd see them peacably share the same bit of space is when I bring out the wet cat food, put it in two separate bowls, and place the bowls about two feet apart on the kitchen floor; that's when they both come running and will dain to eat side by side. Other than that, if they do happen to be in the same area, the younger cat Callie is usually jumping on Patches, which makes her hiss at the young whippersnapper, which only prompts Callie to continue down her road of tormenting the old gal. However, both cats are very loving when they're around me; in fact, it's sometimes hard to get do whatever I might be doing when I've got a furry body being persistently thrust at me for petting!

Anyway, I thought it completely hysterical when both cats curled up on the loveseat last night during McCain's acceptance speech. I had already decided that McCain is the candidate I'm voting for in November, but this was a sure sign! If he can bring my cats together, surely he can bring our nation together! :)


Blogger KYP said...

And perhaps when he said, "my friends," they thought he said, "my felines"! :)

9:00 AM  
Blogger Lenise said...

I'm starting to warm to the guy. His stance on healthcare makes some sense, so that's definitely a plus. I still don't know much about SP, but according to rumor, she's ideologically a lot closer to me than JM. It's becoming more likely that I'll vote. The cat story doesn't hurt ;)

2:14 PM  

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