August 08, 2008

Unaaceptable at the Time but Funny in Hindsight

Our biggest problems with Jonah is getting him to listen to us when we tell to do or not do something. Another is trying to stop all the backtalk. It's a daily battle, and we never know from one day to the next if we're winning the war.

Anyway, yesterday at one point when Jonah said something he shouldn't have to me, I told him to go sit on the couch in time out. He went over to the couch and shouted back at me, "You're beastly!"

I don't know where he picked up this word (probably one of the books we've read to him, but I can't think which one), but obviously at the time this really ticked me off, and I promptly informed him that he can't talk to me like that and that he'd just earned himself another minute in time out.

In hindsight, though, it's pretty funny to think that he knows and picks up on these vocabulary words and can use them appropriately (well, maybe not "appropriately", but in their proper context - you know what I mean!).


Blogger Gary said...

Yes, we've got the same battle on our hands, times two. Jay was being very compliant and responsible this afternoon, though. I'm hoping this is the start of the fabulous fours!


PS I bet he learned it from Aunt KYP...

8:36 PM  

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