May 04, 2008

Poor Puss Gets the Boot

Occasionally Patches, my 12-year-old cat, sneaks into Jonah's room at bedtime unbeknownst to me or Jonah. However, seeing how vocal Patches is, it doesn't take long for us to figure out she's there, at which point Jonah will insist that I shoo her out. It's not that Jonah doesn't like Patches; in fact, she's his favorite cat, but he seems to like it best when it's just him and me during our few minutes of cuddle time at night.

Tonight, though, was a first. Jonah and I had finished our cuddle time, and I'd left the room to let him continue falling asleep. True to form, about ten minutes after I left him, he got up, came out of his room, and called down to me, "I'm still thristy, Mommy!" Not ever wanting to deprive him of water should he ever really be thristy, I obliged him with a small cup of water and sent him back to bed. Apparently, Patches slipped unseen into his room while he was drinking his water because about five minutes after I'd sent him back in, I heard him over the monitor open the door and say, "No, kitty. Get out." He then closed the door again and went back to bed without calling down to me. I just had to laugh, it was so hysterical!

But on the other hand....poor little Patches! :)


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