February 13, 2008

Life So Far in February

Happy Mardi Gras! Jonah's school had a little party for the kids on Fat Tuesday, which included having masks and beads. Sounded like it was a lot of fun to me! The fasting and abstaining from meat that I did the next day, Ash Wednesday, was NOT as much fun! :)

Last Thursday, Feb. 7, was the Asian New Year. We had celebrated with my parents the weekend before (for those who might not know or remember, my mom is Vietnamese, so this is a holiday we celebrate), and Jonah's school also had a party to mark the occasion. Jonah wore a traditional Vietnamese outfit for the event. Isn't he cute?!

Jonah loves his Bible Time songs, and here's a picture of him studying the lyrics! He looks so serious, doesn't he?!

Jonah came out with me and Josh to vote yesterday in the VA primary. Josh voted for Obama in the Democratic race, and I voted for McCain in the Republican. I have a feeling our votes in the general election will once again cancel each other out. Oh, well - who ever said love was rational or had to fall within party lines. :) When told by Daddy that he was not quite old enough to vote, Jonah vehemently insisted, "I AM old enough!" Gotta love those contrary toddlers! Anyway, the lady working at the polling station was kind enough to give Jonah an "I Voted" sticker, and he wore it proudly home and even insisted on wearing it to school today!


Blogger Kristin Mulrooney said...

What a busy february you have had and it is not even half over yet!

7:40 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Yep, they like to give our boys the "I voted" stickers too. Our primary is in May, so if I vote it will be a mostly empty gesture. I just am not happy with McCain, and Bush 41's endorsement does squat for him (either of them!) with me.


PS I wish I was around for the new year's party!! I bet there were some good eats there!

8:55 PM  
Blogger Rain in My Head said...

Love the Jonah and politics stories! He's so smart and hilarious!! :)

10:25 AM  

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