November 02, 2007

October in Pictures

We went up to Pennsylvania for Josh's family reunion during the first weekend in October. We had a great time visiting with everyone. Here's a picture of Jonah at his Granddad's house. I like to imagine him saying, "I love coming up here! Granddad's house has all these great snacks like cheeseballs, the remnants of which are here on my sleeve!"

Here's Jonah with his Granddad.

I think Jonah had a fun time hanging out with Nicholas. There were a few two-year-old moments with tantrums and screaming, but what can you expect when you've got two toddlers running around vying for the same toys and whatnot. Anyway, there were some very cute moments of chasing each other and even some preliminay wrestling!

Here's Jonah getting ready to enter Cox Farms. We took a ride out there to enjoy the giant slides and the hayride and to get pumpkins.

There was a wooden train at Cox Farms that Jonah really enjoyed climbing around.

This is one of the slides, and that's Josh and Jonah coming down it.

On the third weekend in October, Jonah and I took a trip with my parents down to South Carolina for the extended Merritt family reunion. Here's Jonah with my dad's cousin Janice, with my Aunt Katie (dad's half-sister) and another of Dad's cousins (I think her name is Emily) in the background. Would that make Janice and Emily Jonah's third cousins? I don't know how those cousin relationships work; I need someone to explain it to me.

When we came back from South Carolina, Jonah's school took a field trip to Cox Farms (Jonah's second trip out there). This is him with a school friend having fun with some big feet.

Hooray for hay bales!

"Yay! I'm at the top! That climb was nuthin for this climbin' master!"

A pretty fall afternoon in our neighborhood.

Jonah got to take part in a neighborhood Halloween parade during the last weekend of the month. Here's our Yoda with a neighborhod friend and race car driver!

Yoda on the move!

"Strong with me the force is!"

Five pumpkins and one punkin!

A close-up of Josh's handiwork!

Jonah's school did a cute little parade and trick-or-treat event. Here he is with some classmates.

Yoda and his loot!

Covered in chocolate Yoda is!


Blogger Lenise said...

Sounds like a very busy, but very good month! I'm glad Jonah and his uncle had a good time ;)

7:08 PM  

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