March 14, 2008

Wouldn't You Wonder What Was Going On......

.....if your child came home in underwear that was not his own?

We now have Jonah pretty much fully potty trained, just little accidents here and there. So he's been going to school this whole past week in underwear, not a Pull-Up. And yesterday, after he came home and had his lunch, I was taking to the potty before his nap when I noticed upon helping him pull his pants down that he was not wearing his own underwear! How in the world could this happen, I wondered? Surely the teachers at the school know to take the underwear from HIS bag and not someone else's? What is going on?

Turns out, as Josh found out this morning when he asked Jonah's teacher about this (and returned the mysterious underwear (properly laundered first, of course)), Jonah had had just a small accident while playing on the playground, causing onl y his underwear and not his pants to get wet. So instead of taking him all the way upstairs to change him, they took him to a classroom/bathroom on the ground floor where the teacher just happens to keep some "spares" handy. Okay, perfectly reasonable explanation.

It's still a little disconcerting to unexpectedly find your child in someone else's drawers! I mean, what would you think?


Blogger Kristin Mulrooney said...

That would be pretty startling! Congrats on his big accomplishment, that is a big step.

2:35 PM  

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