March 25, 2008

Belated Easter Photos

A stomach bug will make many things belated, but I digress........

Here's Jonah looking for the eggs that the "Easter Bunny" left all over the house for him to find. The funky pants to the left belong to Josh - rather appropirate Easter colors, don't you think?!

A full body picture of Jonah in his Easter finery. Doesn't he look like a little gentleman?

A rare Mommy and Jonah picture. I need to have some photographic evidence that I'm his mother, after all! I shouldn't always be the one behind the camera!

And finally, here's a picture of the little egg-hunter during one of the two egg hunts we did outslide for him. He really got into finding eggs and insisted on another hunt, so we indulged him.


Blogger Gary said...

Yeah, I did a hunt for Jay when he was two and a half, but he didn't have one this year. We were at Grandpa and Grandma's, so there was plenty of excitement anyway.

-L again

6:39 PM  

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