Well, as for Jonah's checkup, it went very well. The doc said that Jonah looks very healthy and that Josh and I are doing a good job. After all, it's no small task keeping a little person alive and safe for fifteen months, let alone eighteen years (or longer)! He measured in at 31 1/2 inches long (60th percentile) and 23 lbs 8 ozs (45th percentile). He got two shots, during which he screamed his little head off, but he was fine immediately after the application of two blue band-aids.
My pre-op physical went fine as well. My PCP verified that I was physically fit for surgery. I was almost half-hoping she'd find something that would delay the inevitable, but no such luck. So surgery is still on for next Thursday, and I still need to get a better attitude about it. I am just having a hard time getting a good feeling about the whole thing, and that makes me very nervous.
On the house front, our realtor held an open house for our condo last Sunday, and only two people (includng just a nosy neighbor) showed up. This was our third or fourth open house, and I'm inclined to think that I don't want to do anymore open houses because the hours of effort spent cleaning up and hiding stuff and then having to vacate your own home isn't worth it when only one or two people show up. I figure if someone wants to see our house, they can come with their realtor, and they can use the lockbox - that's what it's there for.
Well, that's it. That's what's going on around here. Hope everyone is keeping cool in this unbearable heat!