February 14, 2006


For the various "he"'s in my life. Can you guess who they are?

His hand in mine
Supports me as I take my first tentative steps
Provides a firm foundation from which to grow
To learn from joy and sorrow
And become the woman I will be
He is love
In every rebuke when I go astray
In every reassurance when I stumble
In every embrace that mends the hurts of body and heart
He is love

His hand in mine
Signifies an enduring journey
Seeks for me to walk beside him
To sacrifice my oneness not my uniqueness
And respond in favor of a greater whole
He is love
In every act of acceptance
In every affectionate glance
In every warm and gentle kiss
He is love

He hand in mine
Holds on with boundless trust
Asks me to nurture him body and spirit
To soothe his tearful hurts
And share his daily triumphs
He is love
In every small gesture
In every innocent smile
In every single moment of his existence
He is love

His hand in mine
Grants forgiveness and peace if I only ask for it
Promises forever if I would only follow him
To place the keeping of my all with him
And set unnecessary things aside
He is love
In every gentle pull that leads me in his way
In every word that always speaks the truth
In every reminder that he is the essence and source of all life
He is love

Those Who Know Josh Will Appreciate This

Now that I've accumulated a few teasing points, I thought I'd share them. If you read this, honey, sorry but I just couldn't resist!

1) A few months ago, Josh and I were in the car getting ready to head out somewhere. Josh starts looking around the car, and I ask him what he's searching for.

"The headless," he replies.


"The headless. You know, the thing you attach to the phone so you don't have to use your hands. Oh, wait."

2) When the batteries in Jonah's swing gave out, I told Josh we needed to get new ones. Josh takes out the old batteries and looks at the expiration date.

"This says these should be good through 2011," he says.

"That's the expiration date, dear, not the date through which they will actually work if you're using.them."

I should have explained that it's sort of like the date on milk cartons; the contents will be good up to that date, but if you're actually consuming the contents, it won't last until then.

3) A couple of weeks ago Josh was getting set to make lunch for us, one of those frozen pasta dishes that you just heat up in a skillet on the stove. He reads the description on the bag to me, "Shrimp, asparagus, and penne in a creamy tobato masil sauce. Oh, wait."

4) A couple of nights ago, Josh was reading an article to me regarding the accidental shooting of a hunting companion by Vice President Cheney. "....is in stable condition at Corpus Crispy.....Wait." It just goes to show that Josh probably had Krispy Kreme donuts on his mind, the bottomless pit!

Ah, it wouldn't be a true day of love if I couldn't tease my husband a little bit!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thinking about how to best put the cash Grandma and Grandpa gave me for Valentine's Day to good use...... Posted by Picasa

Being a silly boy! Posted by Picasa

I'm cruisin'! Posted by Picasa

Mommy and me in a winter wonderland! Posted by Picasa