November 21, 2008

And Now a Story from Jonah

"When I was 23 yeaars old, I worked in a building on the 49th level, and the elevator went up, up, up all the way to the 49th level, and I could look out the window and see the cars were teeny-tiny (using finger gestures for small here), and then I got in the elevator and it went all the way back down, and I got in my car and went speed limit 55 all the way home, and then I took a nap, and it was a really long nap, and I didn't get up until the clock said 5:23."

Where did he come up with that one?!

November 14, 2008

Coming of Age....At Least By Hobbit Standards :)

I thought this card from Josh was very cute and rather appropriate, although it does make me feel just a little bit old! :)

I'll let the readers figure out what the last sentiment in the card was! :)

November 01, 2008

October in Review

Okay, this picture above was actually from the end of September, but it's just such a great picture of Jonah on his tricycle that I had to put it in here. He's able to pedal on his own now (with some assistance when going up hills), and he loves going for rides.

Here's Jonah watering my flowers. He loves being helpful!

Jonah's school brought in a petting zoo at the beginning of the month, and one of the animals they brought was a pony for the kids to ride. I think the cowboy hat is a cute touch!

Here are Jonah and his pal Ronaldo. he came over for a playdate one weekend, and the boys had a great time playing and having lunch.

Jonah and a goat at Cox Farms. As has been the tradition for the past few years, we met up with our friends Debbie, Dan, and Morgan at Cox Farms for a fun morning of big slides, a hay ride, petting little goats, going through a corn maze (called the "Cornumdrum"), and generally just running around and having a good time!

Jonah and Morgan posing for a cute picture.

Jonah the pumpkin!

One of the big giant slides that Jonah LOVES - with Josh and Jonah coming down.

It's Super Why, with the power to READ! This is Jonah right before heading off to a school friend's Halloween party on the weekend before Halloween. He loved being Super Why that day and couldn't wait for Halloween to come so he could wear the costume again!

At the party. The girl in the middle in the "scarecrow" costume is Katherine, the girl whom Jonah calls his "best friend" from school. Apparently, the feeling is mutual because it would seem that she talks as much about Jonah as he talks about her. It's very ctue! Notice the other Super Why at the party - that's another buddy from Jonah's class, Kylie. It seems that Super Why is more popular than I would have thought!

Our jack-o-lanterns all aglow. The larger one on the right was designed by Jonah himself - we let him draw the face and then I cut it out. It was pretty funny to look at from the first, with lopsided eyes and a thin wide mouth, but once the squirrels started nibbling at it, it began to take on a much more ghoulish aspect!

The costume parade at school!

Jonah's in the back in this picture of his class. Aren't they all so cute in their costumes?!

Jonah and Ronaldo right before going out trick-or-treating. Ronaldo went as Lightning McQueen, though it's hard to tell in the picture because the costume actually sticks out in front and behind him, so when he's facing front, as he is here, you' can't see it.
So, it was a busy month, complete with Jonah getting strep and me getting a sinus infection somewhere in between all of those fun activities! And now it's time to gear up for another fun-filled month, with my birthday, a trip to Shenandoah National Park, a just-me-and-Josh night in Annapolis, and Thanksgiving with a visit from Nana and Uncle Ben! I think I need a nap to prepare!