July 28, 2006


I received an email from Lenise inquiring on all the items I was getting ready to post an update on. Thanks, Len, for the sweet solicitous note - it really brightened up my day and my inbox!

Well, as for Jonah's checkup, it went very well. The doc said that Jonah looks very healthy and that Josh and I are doing a good job. After all, it's no small task keeping a little person alive and safe for fifteen months, let alone eighteen years (or longer)! He measured in at 31 1/2 inches long (60th percentile) and 23 lbs 8 ozs (45th percentile). He got two shots, during which he screamed his little head off, but he was fine immediately after the application of two blue band-aids.

My pre-op physical went fine as well. My PCP verified that I was physically fit for surgery. I was almost half-hoping she'd find something that would delay the inevitable, but no such luck. So surgery is still on for next Thursday, and I still need to get a better attitude about it. I am just having a hard time getting a good feeling about the whole thing, and that makes me very nervous.

On the house front, our realtor held an open house for our condo last Sunday, and only two people (includng just a nosy neighbor) showed up. This was our third or fourth open house, and I'm inclined to think that I don't want to do anymore open houses because the hours of effort spent cleaning up and hiding stuff and then having to vacate your own home isn't worth it when only one or two people show up. I figure if someone wants to see our house, they can come with their realtor, and they can use the lockbox - that's what it's there for.

Well, that's it. That's what's going on around here. Hope everyone is keeping cool in this unbearable heat!

July 22, 2006

The Appointed Day

August 3 has been deemed the day of my surgery. In the meantime, I have to get a pre-op physical done by my PCP next Tuesday, and Jonah goes in for his fifteen-month checkup next Wednesday. I think I will have had more than enough of doctors by the time the surgery and all the post-op appointments (of which there are bound to be several) are done. Ugh!

July 12, 2006

Prayers Needed

Over the past several weeks, I have been to my ophthalmologist's office at Johns Hopkins University's Wilmer Eye Institue more frequently than what had been usual. I've been going there for ongoing and routine checkups for the past several years because it is probably the best ophthalmology center in this area, and, as those few of you who read this blog know, I've had severe eye problems for most of my life. I've had surgery on my eyes more times than I can remember at present, though I think it numbers around eight. In short, my eyes have been a source of some very real problems for me almost all my life.

Well, I have to have surgery again. This time, it will be on my right eye, and it will be to place an implant in my eye that will help to relieve the pressure that has been buiilding up for the past several weeks. I am scared and depressed at the moment. This is not something I am looking forward to. I know it is necessary since no medication has been able to help in relieving the pressure, but that does not make the prospect of surgery any more palatable.

Please pray for me. I've been through surgery before, but it is still a frightening thing for me to contemplate. Please pray that my courage will be bolstered, that I will stop feeling depressed because I know there is a significant link between mind and body and I need to go into this with a positive attitude, and simply that the surgery will go well.

I don't know when the surgery will be. My doctor's coordinator is supposed to call sometime in the next few days to schedule a date and time. I will keep you posted.

July 09, 2006

I can walk! Posted by Picasa

Hey, Mommy actually gets to be in a picture - a true rarity! :) Posted by Picasa

A lovely trip to Lexington with friends! Posted by Picasa

Jonah and his Aunt CEP get attacked by cute little boxer puppies! Jonah thought it was great fun! Posted by Picasa

A diaper change in the open! Posted by Picasa

During Josh's bout with poison ivy, he took to wearing my pajama pants when he ran out of hisown! For those who know him, you know this is not his first time wearing women's clothing! Posted by Picasa