June 17, 2007

Other Pictures from Hershey Gardens

Jonah takes a little rest in the herb garden.

Josh and Jonah emerge from the Japanese garden.

Jonah practices his letters on the Alphabet Border n the Children's Garden.

Jonah explores the wigwam in the Native American garden.

Jonah really liked the numbers on the human sundial.

"I love this giant piggy!"

A steam fountain in the shapes of Kisses!

A beautiiful rose garden.

A lovely fountain.

T The Italian garden.

We saw a pretty kitty at the gardens, and Jonah was very gentle wth it.

The Butterfly House at Hershey Gardens

Dutch Wonderland

Josh and I would highly recommend this park in Lancaster, PA to anyone wth kids. It is an amusement park that caters specifically to kids, and it was probably the best and most fun day we had on our vacation. Jonah absolutely loved the giant slide, which we took him down about ten times.

A Morning with Trains

On one of the mornings of our vacation, we went to Strasburg and visited the Choo Choo Barn (which houses an enormous model of all of Lancaster County, complete with lots of model trains, including Thomas and his friends), the Thomas Trackside Store, and we took a rde on the Strasburg Railroad's dinng car and had a very nice lunch. Jonah has become such a big Thomas fan, so you can well imagine how enraptured he was while we were in the Thomas Store. Being such a big fan, Josh and I thought we'd get him some Thomas underwear in anticipation of using them as an incentive for potty trainng. We'll see how that goes!

Hershey Park

We all had a great time during our vacatiion. We spent one and a half days at Hershey Park, takng Jonah on as many kiddie rides as we could. Aside from a few terrible-twos-meltdowns, he seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly, especially when we took hm on the truck ride(pictured above with Daddy), which he insisted on riding several times over.

June 10, 2007

Update Re: Sleeping

I spoke too soon.

But there was a good reason for Jonah wakng up durng the night other than he was just looking for me. The poor thing had a 101 degree fever during the night. I think I got the fever under control with some Motrin, but I need to wait and see if the fever has really gone. It may have just been a fluke fever, but he might also be comng down wth somethng. I really hope not. We are supposed to leave for our vacation to Hershey today, and now I don't know if that will happen - we may need to postpone the trip by a day just so we can monitor him for a day. We'll see.

June 09, 2007

Sleep Success and A New Career Opportunity (Hopefully Not)

It's exciting times here in the Cook household!

For three nights straight Jonah has managed to sleep through the whole night by himself. For those of you who know us and our situation, you will know that is a HUGE thing for us because up until now Jonah had been wakng up during the night around midnight to 2AM looking for me, and I would usually go in and snuggle with him for the remainder of the night. I just figured that if it makes him happy, and he's sleeping peacefully the rest of the night and so am I, then everyone's happy. We'd tried just letting him cry and other approaches, but I think patience has finally proven successful. And he's waking up happy, which is also a plus! I love to see hs bright, beautiful smile first thing in the morning! Of course, I'd better find some wood to knock on now that I've said anything about it, otherwise I might jinx our good fortune! :)

On a much funnier note, Jonah really surprised me and Josh today. We'd gone to Tysons mall in order for both Josh and Jonah to get haircuts, get some sandals for Jonah from Stride Rite, take Jonah to the play area that's there, and then get some lunch. While headng through the mall on our way back to the parking garage, we passed a clothing store that had some hip-hop music emanating out into the mall. Jonah wrangled his way out of Josh's arms and headed for the store. Josh and I thought he was going to go in, but he simply stopped right out front and proceeded to dance for the next several minutes! It was one of the funniest things Josh and I had ever seen! And to make it even funnier (and I have no idea where he picked up on this because neither Josh nor I do this when we dance or attempt to do so), at one point in his dancing, Jonah crossed his arms over his chest, rapper-style! It was hilarious! I so wish I'd had the camera with us so I could have taken some video footage of this, but I suppose blogging about it for posterity will have to do!

Do these positions look comfortable to you?

Having fun at the playground.
I'm cute in this helmet and all ready for a bike ride!
A rare moment of domestic tranquilty.
Jonah tries to walk a mile in Mommy's shoes (ok, so maybe it was only a few steps).