August 18, 2007

A Question

Up until this evening, Jonah has usually communicated his culinary cravings by saying "Want some" or "Try some" while pointing to whatever food or drink has caught his fancy. This evening after dinner, however, as I was pouring myself a cup of iced tea, he walked up to me and asked, "Could I have some tea?" A real question. Just like that.

My jaw dropped for a second or two, and then I said, "That's very good asking, sweetie! I'm very proud of you!"

Now ordinarily, I wouldn't give Jonah tea. One of the last things a two-year-old needs is a combination of caffeine and sugar. However, since he had asked so nicely and properly, I decided to let him have a small sip if he really wanted it. I offered him the cup and asked, "Do you want to try some tea?"

He looked at the contents of the cup, looked up at me, and exclaimed, "NOOO!"

Oh, well. You can lead the horse to water, or he may even ask to be led to said water, but you can't make him drink.

August 16, 2007

Counting and Courting

Well, Jonah can count to ten in four (English, Vietnamese, German, and Spanish), maybe five (we're still working on French) languages. Also, in a nod to Mommy's profession (in accounting, there is a phrase for a particular type of inventory tracking called "first in first out"), Jonah, quite out of nowhere, said to me, "Poop in poop out."

And then yesterday, on our way home from the grocery store where he'd been a very good boy, I asked Jonah whose good boy he is, thinking that he would respond with the usual "Mom-mom", but nope. He responded with "Kate." Kate is the two-year-old daughter of a couple in our neighborhood and whose mother I have become friends with over the last several months. So I called up my friend and told her that Kate may have a possible suitor on her hands, which she thought was hilarious. He's quite the charmer, my little Jonah!