January 31, 2008

New Links

There are new links in my blogroll. After knowing these women and their families for nearly a year, I have just recently discovered the blogs of some of the moms I hang out with in my neighborhood. Where, oh where have I been?!

Just Too Stinkin' Cute!

Recent Jonah Sayings

1) While standing on his Thomas the Tank Engine storage box, which is next to a floor lamp: "I am tall as the light! I am tall as the KITCHEN!"

2) At any point when I'm asking him to do something that he doesn't want to do right away: "I am very busy busy busy busy, Mommy!"

3) Sometimes in the morning while hopping up and down on his bed (a mattress on the floor) as I am attempting to get him dressed for the day with varying degrees of frustration and amusement: "I have energy!"

4) And just tonight as Josh and I were getting Jonah down for bed: "Daddy is NOT my daddy!" And when asked, "If Daddy is not your daddy, then what is Daddy?": "A consultant!"

Note to Lenise: It looks as though you will need to let Jay know about Jonah's recent proclamation. For those who don't know, Jay recently informed Josh that he was Jonah's daddy and not a boy (see Lenise's blog for details). Turns out Josh is neither a daddy or a boy, just a consultant! :)

"I Put Aside Childish Things"......Then I Take Them Up Again!

I reported some time ago that Jonah had started sleeping with his teddy bear, a soft and fuzzy blue bear that we affectionately call Teddy (go figure). After a week or so of sleeping with Teddy, Jonah decided to kick Teddy out of his bed, and he went several months without a lovey. Maybe Teddy did something to offend Jonah, sort of like how I tell Josh to sleep on the couch if I'm really annoyed with him (yeah, that whole thing about not going to bed angry hasn't always worked around here!). Who knows? We're talking about the mind of not-quite-three-year-old, after all.

Well, over the last week or so, Jonah has apparently made amends with Teddy and warmly welcomed him back to bed - not into any other aspect of his life, mind, just the bed. Teddy never comes downstairs or even leaves Jonah's bedroom. "Teddy is only for bedtime (and naptime, too, as he always cuddles him then as well as at night)," Jonah has informed us. It's probably completely un-PC to say that he has a little lovey slave, but that is certainly what it seems like! :)

January 09, 2008

Jonah on the Defensive

We had a pretty funny incident take place while we were up in Pittsburgh for the holidays. We were at a friend's house for brunch where Jonah accidentally spilled a cup of coffee by pulling up on the table cloth on which the said cup was sitting. Josh was extremely apologetic to our friend and her mother, even after they'd told him not to worry about it. He was so profusive in his apologies that, in an effort to get him to stop, our friend told Josh to put out his hand, and she jokingly gave it a little smack and said, "Bad Josh."

Well, Jonah being a little 2.5 year-old and not understanding that this was a joke, took the smack and the comment to be for real, and he became extremely upset and started loudly protesting that Daddy was not bad and that Daddy was good. He was so upset that he was crying and needed quite a bit of comforting to settle him down.

It was at once very touching and quite funny. At least we know for sure that Jonah does, indeed, love his Daddy. See, Josh, he's not quite the Mommy's boy we thought he was! :)

Much-Delayed Christmas Photos

Jonah's big gift from Santa this year was a Thomas train table. Lucky kid, huh? He seems to really like it (he'd better because, let me just say, even though we used eBay and Craigslist to get everything, it still wasn't what youd call cheap!) :)

Ripping into another of Santa's presents.

Santa brought Jonah a play doctor set, too. It came with a little stethoscope, a pager, a cell phone, a blood pressure cuff, and a few other things including a little plastic scalpel. Dr. Jonah has already performed numerous surgeries on Mommy and Daddy! :)

Jonah got some pretty cool stuff from Nana, too, including some really nice books and a huge container of wooden blocks. Thanks, Nana!

These clothes came from Nana, too. I've never seen a kid get so excited about receiving clothes before - he was waving them all around and shrieking with joy! Pretty funny! :)

Jonah with Daddy and Uncle Nicholas. Jonah made out prety well at Granddad's as well. He got a little remote control car, a wooden airplane, and a puzzle. Lots of fun in store!

Here's Jonah opening up the tricycle he got from Grandma and Grandpa. We can't wait to put that together and go for a ride!

We stayed pretty low-key for New Year's Eve. We had some neighborhood friends over for dinner and that was about it. Here are Jonah and his buddy Noah vegging out for a VeggieTales video.