April 18, 2009
Belated Easter Pictures
We had an enjoyable Easter, including multiple egg hunts for Jonah. He just couldn't get enough of finding the eggs and then sharing his wealth of jelly beans and chocolate, ostensibly in the hopes that we'd allow him to partake of the sweets as well!
As much as he loved the egg hunts and the candy, he has had a lot of fun pointing out to us that Easter is not just about those things, but that it is also about hope. Thanks VeggieTales!

As much as he loved the egg hunts and the candy, he has had a lot of fun pointing out to us that Easter is not just about those things, but that it is also about hope. Thanks VeggieTales!

April 07, 2009
March 14, 2009
March 05, 2009
February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day Conversation
Jonah: Mommy, you're the best mommy ever.
Me: Aw, thanks, sweetie, that's so nice!
Josh: What about me? Am I the best daddy ever, or am I just okay?
Jonah: Okay.
Josh: (feigning being hurt) Just okay?! Well, who do you think is the best daddy ever?
Jonah: Katherine's daddy. (Katherine is his"best friend" from preschool)
Josh: And why is Katherine's daddy the best?
Jonah: Because I love Katherine!
It's hard to argue with love!
Me: Aw, thanks, sweetie, that's so nice!
Josh: What about me? Am I the best daddy ever, or am I just okay?
Jonah: Okay.
Josh: (feigning being hurt) Just okay?! Well, who do you think is the best daddy ever?
Jonah: Katherine's daddy. (Katherine is his"best friend" from preschool)
Josh: And why is Katherine's daddy the best?
Jonah: Because I love Katherine!
It's hard to argue with love!
Back to Normal
It has been an emotional roller coaster here over the past few weeks. Almost three weeks ago, we were very excited to discover that I was pregnant, only to suffer a devastating miscarriage one week later. For reasons I'll probably never undersstand, God needed that baby with Him. Fortunately (if that word can even be used in a situation like this), it wasn't physically painful, just uncomfortable. We (me especially) were very sad for quite a while. However, things are pretty much back to normal now, and life goes on.
Here are some photos of Jonah from the happier moments of the past few weeks.
Making snow angels in the first real snow of this winter. I wish I had a picture of us sledding down the hill behind our house, but Josh wasn't able to come out and play, and it's hard to sled and snap a picture at the same time!
Here are some photos of Jonah from the happier moments of the past few weeks.

January 26, 2009
January 06, 2009
Christmas Festivities
The season kicked off with Jonah's school's Christmas program. It was really cute to see the kids doing their little performances. Above is Jonah's class singing Jump Into the Light (Jonah is off to the right in the white sweater).
His class also did an instrumental rendition of The Little Drummer Boy.

December 12, 2008
Reflections on Advent
I'm a member of a Women's Group at my church that meets roughly every two weeks. I haven't been able to go for a couple of months due to various and sundry illnesses plaguing our house, but I was finally able to go last night for some reflections on this Advent season. I always find it rejuvenating being able to talk with this group about the wonders, the mysteries, the comfort, and, yes, even the ever-present questions (e.g., Why is this happening, Lord?) of the Holy Trinity in our lives. I feel more spiritually centered after each meeting, and that is such a blessing. I mean, I may go around for a couple of weeks, getting caught up in all the activity that goes on every day, getting stressed out about various things, and then I go to a Women's Group, and it really helps to put things in perspective; I get to slow down for a few hours and just really think about the realities of what is truly important. Going to church can do that for me, too, but church is usually such a rushed affair sometimes, and it's complicated even further when you're having to mind a very active and talkative three-and-a-half-year-old during the service, that the true purpose of being there sometimes gets lost.
Anyway, last night's discussion was wonderful. We talked about Advent and what an exciting time it is. It's a season of anticipation, of preparation, of knowing that something wonderful is coming. We talked about Mary and the anticipation she must have felt. Being a mother myself, I can imagine the joy and wonder she must have felt, and likely how much greater her joy and wonder must have been knowing that she was carrying the most precious of babies. I also wonder, however, how much greater her fear must have been at knowing that she was also responsible for caring for and rearing this most precious of babies? I know my own fear at knowing that I'm responsible for Jonah. It's a joy, to be sure, watching him grow and mature, but it's also a little frightening at times, especially at times when he gets sick or gets hurt or when I wonder if I'm doing some irreparable psychological damage when I have to exert discipline with him :) ! Imagine having to do all that for God's son! Talk about responsibility!
One of the things that really struck me last night was an excerpt from a reading that says that's it's okay, even desirable, to have questions regarding our faith. We spend so much of our lives looking for answers, and sometimes that searching drives us crazy. But what if we could take those questions and simply use them for reflection and a time to listen? The passage we read was this: "A novice master once responded when asked about a life lived in Christian authenticity, said that to be a Christian was not to know the answers but to begin to live in the part of the self where the question is born....He was speaking of an attitude of listening, of awareness of presence, of an openness to mystery."
What great food for thought! Happy Advent!
Anyway, last night's discussion was wonderful. We talked about Advent and what an exciting time it is. It's a season of anticipation, of preparation, of knowing that something wonderful is coming. We talked about Mary and the anticipation she must have felt. Being a mother myself, I can imagine the joy and wonder she must have felt, and likely how much greater her joy and wonder must have been knowing that she was carrying the most precious of babies. I also wonder, however, how much greater her fear must have been at knowing that she was also responsible for caring for and rearing this most precious of babies? I know my own fear at knowing that I'm responsible for Jonah. It's a joy, to be sure, watching him grow and mature, but it's also a little frightening at times, especially at times when he gets sick or gets hurt or when I wonder if I'm doing some irreparable psychological damage when I have to exert discipline with him :) ! Imagine having to do all that for God's son! Talk about responsibility!
One of the things that really struck me last night was an excerpt from a reading that says that's it's okay, even desirable, to have questions regarding our faith. We spend so much of our lives looking for answers, and sometimes that searching drives us crazy. But what if we could take those questions and simply use them for reflection and a time to listen? The passage we read was this: "A novice master once responded when asked about a life lived in Christian authenticity, said that to be a Christian was not to know the answers but to begin to live in the part of the self where the question is born....He was speaking of an attitude of listening, of awareness of presence, of an openness to mystery."
What great food for thought! Happy Advent!
December 10, 2008
December Doings (So Far)

November 21, 2008
And Now a Story from Jonah
"When I was 23 yeaars old, I worked in a building on the 49th level, and the elevator went up, up, up all the way to the 49th level, and I could look out the window and see the cars were teeny-tiny (using finger gestures for small here), and then I got in the elevator and it went all the way back down, and I got in my car and went speed limit 55 all the way home, and then I took a nap, and it was a really long nap, and I didn't get up until the clock said 5:23."
Where did he come up with that one?!
Where did he come up with that one?!
November 14, 2008
November 01, 2008
October in Review

So, it was a busy month, complete with Jonah getting strep and me getting a sinus infection somewhere in between all of those fun activities! And now it's time to gear up for another fun-filled month, with my birthday, a trip to Shenandoah National Park, a just-me-and-Josh night in Annapolis, and Thanksgiving with a visit from Nana and Uncle Ben! I think I need a nap to prepare!