November 22, 2004

Continued Growth

It is a joyous and, at the same time, sad day in the life of a pregnant woman when she realizes that her belly now sticks out further than her boobs!

However, it definitely helps to have a husband who continues to tell her that she's still beautiful! :)

November 19, 2004

Back in the US of A

Josh and I returned from London on Monday evening. We had a wonderful time on our trip, and the baby is already an international traveler! :) I'll have to post some picutres as soon as I figure out how (Len, your help would be greatly appreciated!).

The morning after our return, we had our next prenatal doctor's appointment. We waited half and hour for our five-minute appointment, but we did get to hear baby's heartbeat for only the second time, so that made the wait worthwhile.

Now, I'm trying to fight a cold. I stayed home from work yesterday to try nd get this thing out of my system, but it's persisting today, which makes it hard to fully concentrate at work. At least I have the weekend coming up to try and recover a bit more.

November 07, 2004

The Necessity of Clothing

On this, the eve of Josh's and my week-long trip to London, I finally got the chance to go out shopping for maternity clothes, mainly pants. Over the course of the last several weeks, I had begun to notice a slight tightening in the waist and stomach of a great number of my regular pants, so I knew it was time to shop for bigger and stretchier attire.

People have always sort of laughed at me when I say I have a difficult time finding clothes that fit me. "You're a size 2 - what a hardship," is the general gist of what I typically hear. What they don't understand is that manufacturers typically only make a relatively small number of items in size 2 (there are lots more size 6's and 8's, for example, in any given shipment), which means that if I don't get to a store that may have just recently put out a batch of clothing I will most likely not find anything in my size. This proved to be the case with maternity clothes today.

We tried Target first, which had a very limited selection in my size. We then had to go to two Old Navy's (the first one didn't carry maternity clothes), which proved to have much more variety for me. I find myself being very grateful to Old Navy, which is strange because I used to say that I would never set foot in one due to my hatred of their commerccials, especially the ones with the old lady and the dog.

I guess this proves that one should never say never.

November 03, 2004



November 02, 2004

Election Day

Josh and I performed our civic duty and voted this morning. I know that every vote is worth something, but I wonder if it was worth the two of us voting since we cancelled each other out?

Oh, well.