March 24, 2005

Tired and Moody

These last few weeks of pregnancy are really taking their toll on me. I guess nature must be making up for how easy it was early on. I've been very tired from not getting much sleep and from running around on the weekends trying to get stuff done and ready for the little one. I need more sleep and some downtime. I'm also dealing with one of those unmentionable problems that can happen to pregnant women, so I'm also in a bit of physical discomfort, which doesn't do great things for me. Combining these things to the hormones raging through me, it's not surprising that I had a little mini breakdown this morning. Thank goodness for supportive husbands!

If there are any friends out there who are reading this (I don't know how many of you there are since I haven't really advertised the fact that I'm keeping a blog), I want to thank you for everything you've done and given me over the past couple of weeks for my two baby showers. You will all be getting personal thank-yous in the mail (eventually!), but I wanted to send out preliminary thanks in case it takes a while for the snail mail ones to get written and sent.

March 11, 2005

What do you say..... a husband, a fervant U2 fan, who, upon hearing that a local radio station is giving away tickets to an upcoming U2 concert, and we don't hear at first when the concert is and therefore deduce by Murphy's Law that it's probably on May 3, our due date, that it would be a toss-up as to whether he'd attend the concert if he had tickets or the birth of his son.

While I know he was only joking, all I could do was gawk at him in appalled amazement.

March 10, 2005

Another Season of Change

When it comes to changes, Josh and I seem to fall prey to the old adage of "When it rains, it pours." What I mean is that changes always seem to happen as more than just one life-altering event; they come in twos, threes, or more.

For example, the year 2002 was a year of many changes for us: we got married, Josh quit his job to begin the pursuit of his MBA, my old company Andersen dissolved and I had to switch firms, then I switched jobs within the new firm, we bought a nused car when the Escort died its tragic death, and we bought our condo. That's a lot going on in just one year, especailly for a newly married couple who are trying, above all else, to adjust to being married!

And now the year 2005 is upon us, and here is what we have going on: I switched back to tax work about a month ago, Josh is going back to Deloitte as a manager in two weeks, and we have a baby due in May which will likely be the biggest change and challenge of all, and then I'll only be going back to work part-time.

Like I said, "When it rains, it pours!"