January 11, 2005

It's Been Busy Over Here......

.....so I haven't be writing much. Work has been pretty busy, and there always seems to be a little bustle after the holidays due to cleaning up and putting decorations away and that sort of thing.

I had another prenatal doctor's appointment today, and everything checked out fine. Baby's heartbeat was good and strong (in fact, the doc's reaction was, "Whoa, has he been exercising in there?!). My weight is on a good track, blood pressure was good, and sugar and protein levels were good. So far, this feels like this has got to be one of the most uncomplicated pregnancies in the world! I mean, I had no morning sickness or nausea, there's been no swelling (except in my stomach, which you would expect), and no real discomfort other than trying to get comfortable enough at night to sleep well. Maybe I'm speaking too soon, and I'm looking around for some wood to knock on (perhaps my head will do!), and I'm certainly not complaining or trying to brag, but so far this has just seemed too easy! Maybe the third trimester will be more challenging - I've heard that it can be, especially during those last several weeks. I'm praying for no major complications, though. If I can continue like I have with no complications, I will truly consider myself blessed and lucky!

I had an interesting turn of events last Friday. I received a job offer from another department almost completely out of the blue. It has come at a somewhat awkward time, considering that I will be leaving the work force for a few months when the baby comes in May, but this would put me back working in tax, which is where I had been thinking about going back to anyway. The bonus of this offer is that they've said they can put me on a straight 40-hour week with no cut to my salary, and anything I work beyond 40 hours would be compensated for by overtime pay! This means that I would not have to work those crazy 50- to 90-hour weeks that I used to work during busy season! I havent quite made up my mind as to what I'm going to do yet, and I have until the end of the week to contemplate things and see what my current department is willing to do to keep me, but prayers would be appreciated as I try to make this decision!


Blogger Lenise said...

Well, it's always good to have options. Any possibility of working from home in either job? Not that that's easy with a baby boy wanting attention all the time, but maybe yours will be lower-maintenance!

11:53 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Yes, there is a possibility of working from home in either position. The only catch with my company, however, is I believe they expect you to still have a childcare provider taking care of the baby even when you're working from home. It seems like a weird policy to me because isn't the whole point of working from home so that you can also take care of your family?

12:04 PM  
Blogger Lenise said...

Yes, but if you have in-home childcare you don't need to pump! Otherwise, there's little difference, I would say. I can understand their position, though- I find it hard to get 3 hours of work in in a whole day at home!

5:07 PM  

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