February 21, 2008

My More Liberal Friends Will Enjoy This.....

Much to my chagrin, some time ago Josh taught Jonah to say "Obama '08", and the phrase has stuck in his mind and will occasionally punctuate our conversations. Well, yesterday evening I had turned on the news (my only real link with the events of the world these days, there not being much time for reading washingtonpost.com or anything like that), and they usually start the newscast with updates on the campaign for the White House. It was time for dinner, though, and I wanted to get Jonah to come with me to wash his hands, but he says to me, "I am just watching for Obama right now!"

Darn you, Josh!

One Way to Say No

Last Saturday we went over to my parents' house to drop Jonah off for the night (this turned out to be our first SUCCESSFUL attempt to leave him overnight so we could have an evening to ourselves - the previous attempt did not go so well because Jonah came down with a 102 degree fever, and we had to call the night short). On the drive over we allowed Jonah to have one of the lollipops he'd gotten from one of his classmates for Valentine's Day, and he was still blissfully nursing the candy when we arrived at my folks' house. When we got in, my mom playfully asked Jonah if she could have some of his lollipop, and this was his response:

"Maybe next time I'lll buy you some lollipops."

That's my son - so polite and yet so greedy!

February 13, 2008

Gold Digger

Jonah, true to toddler form (or so I am led to believe), has a habit of sticking his finger up his nose in search of boogers (I know, lovely topic, isn't it?). We'll tell him to stop picking and then we jokingly ask him if he's looking for gold or something up there, just to lighten the lesson. Well, last week, at one point when the little picker was once again searching for the elusive boogers, we asked him to stop picking. His response was, "I am just looking for gold, Mommy and Daddy!" and he went right on happily picking until Josh and I could control our laughter and insist a little more forcibly that he remove his probing digit from his nose.

Life So Far in February

Happy Mardi Gras! Jonah's school had a little party for the kids on Fat Tuesday, which included having masks and beads. Sounded like it was a lot of fun to me! The fasting and abstaining from meat that I did the next day, Ash Wednesday, was NOT as much fun! :)

Last Thursday, Feb. 7, was the Asian New Year. We had celebrated with my parents the weekend before (for those who might not know or remember, my mom is Vietnamese, so this is a holiday we celebrate), and Jonah's school also had a party to mark the occasion. Jonah wore a traditional Vietnamese outfit for the event. Isn't he cute?!

Jonah loves his Bible Time songs, and here's a picture of him studying the lyrics! He looks so serious, doesn't he?!

Jonah came out with me and Josh to vote yesterday in the VA primary. Josh voted for Obama in the Democratic race, and I voted for McCain in the Republican. I have a feeling our votes in the general election will once again cancel each other out. Oh, well - who ever said love was rational or had to fall within party lines. :) When told by Daddy that he was not quite old enough to vote, Jonah vehemently insisted, "I AM old enough!" Gotta love those contrary toddlers! Anyway, the lady working at the polling station was kind enough to give Jonah an "I Voted" sticker, and he wore it proudly home and even insisted on wearing it to school today!

February 01, 2008

This Morning's Conversations

This one occurred on the stairs heading down to breakfast (note: it's rainy and miserable today):

Jonah: What is the weather today?
Me: It's rainy and yucky today.
J: Three things, Mommy!
M: OK, it's rainy, wet, and yucky today.
J: Yes, and it's cold, too!
M: Yes, it is cold. That makes four things!

I'm being outwitted by my toddler!

This one happened as I was getting Jonah dressed. He had picked out his builder shirt, so I just thought I'd ask:

M: Do you want to be a builder?
J: No.
M: What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor?
J: No.
M: A consultant like Daddy?
J: No.
M: An accountant like Mommy?
J: No.
M: Do you want to be an astronaut and go to the moon?
J: Yes, that'll be good!

A kid with a plan!